

Employment and Continuing Education Outcomes

Employment and Continuing Education Outcomes

Employment and Continuing Education outcomes for 2021 – 2022 Bachelor’s Degree completers at 茄子社区 University

Outcomes on 854 bachelor’s degree completers from the 2021-2022 academic year were available.*

Within six months from their graduation date:

96.7% of these students were either employed or enrolled in continuing education.

  • 80.4% of these students reported being employed.
  • 70.7% of these students reporting being employed in full-time positions.
  • 30.8% of these students were enrolled in continuing education.
  • 11.1% of these students were both employed and enrolled in continuing education.

630 students answered the question “How related is this position to your degree?

61.9% of these students reported that their positions were “somewhat related” to “very related” to their degrees

*Data sources for employment outcomes include the First Destination survey and social media information (e.g. LinkedIn). Data sources for continuing education outcomes include the First Destination survey and the National Student Clearinghouse. Since some students do not respond to surveys or include employment information on their social media accounts, outcomes could not be determined for 21.7% of the 2021-2022 bachelor’s degree completers.

Past Reporting